
这是我修改之前的文章 翻译英文

  • This is the article I revised before


  • The power of theseapproaches is now more fully appreciated and well accepted, and they arebecoming the prevailing paradigm in the design and optimization of emergingthermoelectric materials. We also discuss the challenges to further advance thesenew insights to realize continued further improvements in ZT. Previous reviewarticles have covered nanostucturing,1–3,7–10 microstructurerelated to the thermoelectric properties,36 fundamental physicalphenomena,4 electronic structureengineering,37,38 nano-polycrystallinecomposites,6,9 or have focused onspecific materials such as clathrates,39 zintl phase compounds,40 oxides,41 organic materials42 and others.43–45 This article,however, discusses and highlights the significance of theall-scale panoscopicapproach to thermoelectric science and its application in achievingbreakthrough ZT in bulk materials.
  • 这些方法的能源已经被完全采纳,而且已经成为设计和优化新兴热电材料的普遍方式。我们也讨论了未来这些先进的新领域会遇到的挑战,以实现ZT持续发展。先前的文章包括纳米结构,1-3,7-10与热电性能有关的微结构,36基本物理现象,4电子结构工程,37,、38纳米晶复合材料,6、9终点在特殊材料例如晶体结构,39Zintl相化合物,40氧化物,41,有机材料,42 和其他43-45。不过这篇文章讨论并强调了全方位纳米级别对于热电科技的重要性,以及ZT在大型材料中的突破性应用。

critical thinking文章翻译

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  • Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, teachers said mobile phone use is a distraction (娱乐) to students during school hours and it also givesteachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might usephone messages (消息) to cheat during exams. She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldntget in touch with (与…联系) their children. Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason,they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies. Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.
  • 这么长?你不可能一点都不会吧?

英语文章在线翻译 learners of english ,especially sel

  • -taught l……….
  • 学习英语,特别是选取……我觉得后面应该还有吧


  • 吉姆霍金斯的客店里,有一天来了一位老海员,在这里住了许久,还让我叫他老船长。他还让吉姆注意一个一条腿的水手。有一次,一个叫黑狗的陌生人闯了进来,并且和老船长争吵了起来,结果生病了,在乡绅的帮助下好了起来。一天吉姆意外的将一个瞎子带到了老船长那儿,瞎子给了他一个黑卷,结果老船长看到黑卷就死了。吉姆和他母亲用老船长的钥匙打开了他的水手箱,并意外获得了一个藏宝图。然后吉姆与乡绅Trelawney和Dr Livesey踏上了寻宝路。一次吉姆意外的在一个苹果桶里偷听到了一个厨子西尔弗的谈话,得知会发生叛乱。他将这事告诉了乡绅和大夫,但他却自己乘船逃离了船上,在小岛上得到了本葛恩的帮助。然后我们一起消灭了海盗,然后平分了宝藏,大家都过得很好
  • 翻译成什么?英文?Jim Hawkins Inn, one day, an old seaman, lived here for a long time, also let me call him the captain. He also asked Jim to pay attention to a seaman with one leg. Once, a black stranger stormed in, and the quarrel, the sick, the squires help to get up. One day Jim accident will be a blind to the captain, and gave him a black rolls, the captain saw black roll die. Jim opened his sea chest and his mother with the key, and accidentally get a treasure map. Then Jim and the Trelawney and Dr Livesey embarked on a treasure hunt road. Once Jim accidents in a barrel, overheard a cook Silver conversation, learned that a rebellion. He will tell the squire and the doctor, but he has his boat away from the boat, got Ben Gunns help on the island. And then well destroy the pirates, then share the treasure, all well。


  • 随着社会经济的发展,制造企业一直在我们身边起到举足轻重的地位,而服装制造业也在快速发展,但是随着企业的快速发展,问题也随之产生。现在企业快速发展的今天,企业的采购成本也已经从传统成本管理上升到了战略采购成本管理。战略采购管理关注企业的采购总成本,与传统采购成本管理要求的采购最低价格有着根本性的差别。战略采购成本管理要求的是供应链采购成本全程最低,并可以做到全程,多角度的对供应链进行监控和管理,通过这种方式,企业可以建立并保持长期的竞争优势。服装制造业是劳动密集型行业,竞争状况比较激烈且其附加值比较低,其采购成本占产品成本的百分之六十以上。而企业采购计划有关系着企业的库存,好的采购计划可以使企业更好的控制库存成本,从而降低企业的生产成本,提高企业在同行的竞争力。所以,服装制造企业要求采购活动能更好的适应企业生产计划,加速采购速度和降低采购的总成本,并能较好的控制企业库存。怎样合理的运用企业的资金进行最优化的生产物料的采购及库存管理是服装企业不可或缺的中间管理环节。同时寻求优化的库存管理方法措施以及库存管理决策系统是当今服装企业提高资金周转率降低经营风险的前提。 本文通过对某服装公司采购成本管理及库存管理的实地考察与研究。再结合成本管理的相关理论,分析该企业的市场业务特点、采购结构的规划、采购成本的管理活动以及企业的库存管理活动。来深入探讨采购成本管理制度、采购流程、供应商管理制度和采购信息系统的完善制度等方面对采购成本的影响。指出了采购流程的不规范对采购成本的影响,提高了企业的采购成本。而采购成本管理制度的不完善则会造成企业对采购成本控制力度的降低,从而不能更好的制定采购计划。对供应商管理的不严格则会造成企业采购成本的加大以及降低企业的市场竞争力。而采购信息系统的不完善以及不能及时共享则会造成企业采购成本的管理效率的低下以及较高的错误率,从而加大了企业的运营成本也降低了企业的运作效率。而前面这些工作又影响企业库存管理的实施,不能更好的制定企业的合理库存。对企业的生产计划安排也会带来一定的影响。文章结合企业战略成本管理理论对该公司的采购成本以及库存成本进行整体规划,提出企业采购成本管理的改进措施,构建企业战略成本管理模式。以期该行业在面对复杂多变的生存环境时,能够通过提高采购及库存管理水平,使企业健康持续发展。问题补充: 不好意思,小弟现在只有这么点财富值,麻烦各位大神了
  • With the development of society and economy, manufacturing enterprises have to play a decisive role position in the US, and the garment manufacturing industry has developed rapidly, but with the rapid development of enterprises, problems also occur.Now the enterprise rapid development today, the enterprise procurement cost also has changed from the traditional cost management to a strategic procurement cost management.Strategic procurement management focus on the enterprise total cost of purchase, there are fundamental differences with the traditional procurement cost management requires a minimum price of purchase.Requirements of strategic procurement cost management is supply chain procurement costs throughout the minimum, and can do the whole, multi angle of the monitor and management of supply chain, in this way, the enterprise can establish and maintain long-term competitive advantage.The garment manufacturing industry is labor-intensive industry, competition is fierce and the added value is low, the purchasing cost accounts for more than sixty percent of the cost of a product.And the relationship between business inventory procurement plan, procurement plan can make good control inventory cost enterprises better, so as to reduce the production cost of enterprises, improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the peer.So, clothing manufacturing enterprises procurement activities can better adapt to the production plan, accelerating procurement speed and reduce the total……余下全文

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